SITS Development
Student mitigating circumstances and the coronavirus: a free solution from Stu3 for all universities that use SITS and eVision.

Mitigating Circumstances
The coronavirus crisis will affect us all in many different ways in the coming weeks.
For a large proportion of students, this crisis coincides with end-of-year assessments and coursework deadlines.
Due to reasons such as illness, bereavement, stress, or even just internet connectivity issues during online assessments, there will be a sharp rise in mitigating factors and extenuating circumstances for students to cope with.
This will need to be addressed by student support teams and handled as effectively as possible by all universities.
Stu3 have developed an eVision-based mitigating circumstances solution for students and staff that we are making available free of charge to all universities.
The solution allows students to submit and track mitigating circumstances claims against individual student modules (SMR) or their assessment components (SAS).
Staff are then able to review and update the claims.
Please contact us by clicking ‘Learn More’ below if you are interested, and let us know which version of SITS you are on and we will send you the appropriate xpc file and supporting user guide so you can install and run this.
We are available to help with any questions your technical team may have.
Mitigating Circumstances Solution
Click below to download the user and technical guide

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